Watch out for flying glass! Whether accidental or intentional a Broken Bottle is the iconic weapon-in-a-cinch for brawlers everywhere. Ideal for scattering across debris-littered post-apoc displays. Bottle features four standard...
The arrow is a shafted projectile that is shot with a bow. It predates recorded history and is common to most cultures. Arrows have evolved over time; the first simply...
Early bows had a fairly basic shape and were made of carved or flat planes of wood. The Recurve Bow took physics to the next level by utilizing composite materials...
The Longbow is a fairly tall, D-shaped bow which accomodatesan extra long draw. As such it has been instrumental in many cultures as both a hunting tool and weapon of...
Throwing Stars are a traditional Japanese concealed weapon generally used for throwing and sometimes melee combat. Also known as a shuriken ('sword hidden in the hand') they were constructed from...