What's a wizard without his staff? In folklore wizards, magicians, and practitioners of magic by other titles were at a severe disadvantage without some sort of divining device such as...
When finding your minifig stranded in the harsh wilderness environment - with all main equipment lost, you'll be glad to have picked up the Survival Knife from BrickForge. Beginning in...
The Sub Orbital Machine Gun, more simply known as the SOMG is a specialized, interstellar weapon used by galactic peacekeepers or space troopers. Commonly used as a dual-wield accessory, it's...
The Ninjato is the most common name for the sword that the ninja of feudal Japan are portrayed as having carried. The Ninjato is typically depicted as being a short...
Anti-Material Sniper proves its worthiness as a long range weapons, capable of picking off single targets with a lethal shot. It can be used to neutralize significant threats that would...
Lightweight and capable of firing a burst of small caliber bullets with a controlled dispersion pattern has made the Assault Rifle the standard in infantry and tactical usage. Their sustained...
The Intergalactic 8-Gauge is one of the most effective close-range weapons in the galaxy. The 8-gauge's immense power, ease of use, and reduced capacity for puncturing the hulls of spacecraft...
Automag is a pumped-up variant of an old favorite. Advantages include: increased accuracy by the addition of a muzzle brake which reduces recoil and increased effective range, making it a...