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Chin Strap
If your minifig is tired of having a chin strap tattooed onto their faces, why not add a bit of realism by equipping the Chin Strap from BrickForge? The Chin Strap snaps directly onto any of our Tactical Helmets for a unique, customized look. And we're positive your figs will appreciate the additional protection.
Miniquins, MOCs and Minifig parts not included with purchase
The Powered Assault Visor is exclusively intended to fit our Powered Assault Helmet. Choosing from a variety of colors you can limit the amount of light that enters the helmet...
Caught in a hailfire of bombs, bullets and projectiles? Look up and you'll see a squad of Shock Troopers dropping out of orbit to save the day. Put on the...
Not even Thor's Hammer is capable of forging such elegant, yet functional headgear. Without such protection you send your commandos to certain defeat. Instead, consider equipping your minifig troops with...
Show the rookies who's boss by tossin' one of these on your noggin'. Originally used as a field cap, the Officer Hat is more modernly used by uniformed civilian organizations...
Why buy 'vanilla' helmets when you can have the most advanced in customizing technology? Advanced tactics require advanced headgear, right? The Tactical Helmet offers state-of-the-art protection including rounded skull base...
M35 German Helmet
Miniquins, MOCs and Minifig parts not included with purchase
Please Note Dark Blueish Gray Eagle helmet has a matte finish to it. It is not shiny plastic.
The Great Helm of the High Middle Ages arose in the late 12th century in the context of the crusades and remained in use until the 14th century. They were...