TEN...count'em 10... completely random discontinued, overstocked, misprinted and/or slightly mismolded BrickForge accessories hidden inside a colorful packet. It will be a complete surprise as to what you will receive. Feelin'...
Vambraces are "tubular" type of defences for the forearm, developed first in the ancient world by the Romans, but only formally named during the early 14th century, as part of...
The use of Military Shields spans the course of history and is nearly universal amongst all methods of combat. Considered a handheld protective device, shields are used to protect against...
Why buy 'vanilla' helmets when you can have the most advanced in customizing technology? Advanced tactics require advanced headgear, right? The Tactical Helmet offers state-of-the-art protection including rounded skull base...
Suit up for the street or gear up for the battlefield with the BrickForge Tactical Vest. Details include plenty of pouches for simulated storage, a smooth area on the back...
The arrow is a shafted projectile that is shot with a bow. It predates recorded history and is common to most cultures. Arrows have evolved over time; the first simply...
When finding your minifig stranded in the harsh wilderness environment - with all main equipment lost, you'll be glad to have picked up the Survival Knife from BrickForge. Beginning in...
The Sub Orbital Machine Gun, more simply known as the SOMG is a specialized, interstellar weapon used by galactic peacekeepers or space troopers. Commonly used as a dual-wield accessory, it's...
Lightweight and capable of firing a burst of small caliber bullets with a controlled dispersion pattern has made the Assault Rifle the standard in infantry and tactical usage. Their sustained...